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“Working with Bulldog Determination
to meet your real estate needs!”
English Bulldogs have always been a big part of my life. They inspire me because whatever they decide to do, they NEVER give up.
Not all real estate transactions are easy – sometimes you have to really work hard to make that closing happen! My motto is “Working with Bulldog Determination to meet your real estate needs”.
The nicest compliment I’ve ever received was once after a particularly difficult closing my Buyer said, “Starr, you really DO work like a bulldog”.
I lost Gus and Sarasota in 2008. Blaze Starr died in March. 2009. She had a brain tumor, and I had to make the choice that no one ever wants to make. I know I did the right thing because she was suffering, but I miss her terribly.
After losing Gus, Sarasota, and Blaze I hoped I’d feel like getting another bulldog soon. They have given me inspiration and love for over 25 years, and that’s a pretty good record.
Well…….I did find a new doggie to love. His name is Pullo, and he is a …are you ready for this……French bulldog!
I absolutely adore him, but sometimes when I look at him, he looks like a frog, other times a gargoyle, and still other times a bat. He’s full grown and weighs about 27 pounds.
I had gone to look at puppies–after a thorough screening by a very conscientious breeder. But when I saw this little fellow it was love at first sight. He must have liked me too, because he jumped in the car and came home with me!

He loves riding in the car, particularly if you go to McDonalds

He loves giving people high fives!

And shopping the gourmet section at Petco

Augustus Crawford of Kiokee Creek, aka “Gus”
When he was a puppy, he was also known as “No! No! Bad Dog!”

Blaze Starr
Always a joy to her mother!

She was the youngest and without a doubt, the sweetest.