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“Working with Bulldog Determination
to meet your real estate needs!”
Thanks for visiting my website! I’ve been listing and selling homes and land in the CSRA for almost 20 years.
Because of my love for English bulldogs, I adopted the slogan “Bulldog Determination,” and it sums up how I approach your real estate needs. I won’t give up until you’re satisfied. The best compliment I’ve ever received was a client saying, “You really do work like a bulldog!”
Almost all of my business comes from referrals, so I must be doing something right. I would be delighted to help with your real estate needs, just send me an email or give me a call!
Starr Crawford
(706) 868.6913 Office
(706) 830-0198 Cell

“Bulldog Determination”
This is not just a slogan for me, it is truly the way I live life and work for you. Once I have clear understanding of your needs, nothing is going to stop me from meeting them.